
Rocaille Bed Linen

Alexandre Turpault

Alexandre Turpault Rocaille Bed Linen

Rocaille is Alexandre Turpault's bed linen set in organic cotton sateen.

The material dresses our adornment of softness, offering a silky texture sublimated by a delicate shine. Elegant and luxurious, this model is also distinguished by its beautiful resistance. Inspired by the Rocaille style, this model takes you through the alleys of a charming garden. The pattern comes in the form of two trellises topped by a wave of climbing plants. Treated in two ways, these braces create a striking depth effect. One, made of white motifs, reveals traces of great finesse. The second, with mordoré foliage, takes up the codes of engraving. Together, these elements form a decorative trompe l'oeil design associated with a highly couture weaving effect.

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